My guess is that the phrases such as “unprecedented times,” “Continuous Learning,” “Broadcast Learning,” “quarantine,” “out of an abundance of caution….,” and “Mask Up, Warriors!” are ones that you would like never to hear uttered again.
Typical comments directed to Seniors graduating this year might include: “This has been a crazy year to be a Senior,” “You have had to miss out on some important things,” “I know it has been tough,” and “The lessons from the pandemic have been difficult but will only make your stronger.”
I will avoid dwelling on the pandemic-ness of your Seniors year in large part because — I believe — this is not what your class would want. My guess is that the phrases such as “unprecedented times,” “Continuous Learning,” “Broadcast Learning,” “quarantine,” “out of an abundance of caution….,” and “Mask Up, Warriors!” are ones that you would like never to hear uttered again.
My point is that this time has impacted you, but it does not define you.
When I think about your class, two words come to mind — tenacity and vibrancy.
You have certainly grown up over the seven years that I have known you. You have been tenacious; you have fought for what you believed was important and you have been willing to struggle to make it so. I can think of many examples of this from your class. I have specific mental images of baseball and girls soccer this year. I remember watching you play as freshmen and recalling your frustration. You knew that you had all that was needed to be dominant in your sport, but it was going to take time to get there. And look where you have come!
The second word that comes to mind is “vibrancy.” You are full of energy and life. Whether it is Jesse’s infectious smile, George’s unbridled enthusiasm, Jacob’s confidence, Cassie’s embulliance, Aleks’ grace, Nathan’s stoic presence, Jackson’s mild-mannered leadership, or Marcus’ mischievous grin — each of you has your own version of this quality.
I will never forget watching you come into prom this year. It was quite an adventure getting to prom; you dodged multiple reschedulings, the plague, torrential rains, and the final hurdle of the breathalyzer to find yourselves in an old-school gymnasium for the dance. However, when you arrived, you shined. Believe it or not, I had tears in my eyes. It was a great evening.
If I have one piece of advice for Brookwood’s Class of 2021, it would be this: don’t accept the status quo. This past year has turned the status quo on its end. Carve your own path. Find a way or make one.
It has been a pleasure to get to know you and watch you grow. Good luck and God bless.
Located in Thomasville, GA, Brookwood School is a private school for grades JK-12. Students benefit from a challenging academic program, fine and performing arts, competitive athletics, and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.